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HSPnet Login - Development


Welcome to HSPnet-DEV
User Login
User ID:
Hint: Usually first initial + last name or email
        Students: student number
Help with forgotten password
Students who experience login issues should contact the Placing Coordinator at their school.

HSPnet Notice: Main Website Change

The HSPnet team is very excited to announce that the HSPnet website has been upgraded and given a modern design. Navigation has been streamlined and functionality improved to better serve our users and visitors. All of our documentation is now conveniently located in the Knowledge Base under National & Provincial Resources for easy access.

As of February 12th at approximately 2 pm Pacific, please visit the updated site at www.hspcanada.net and explore the changes! You may need to clear your cache by keying CTRL F5, to see the new website. We’re committed to providing the best experience possible and appreciate your continued support. As always, you may create a support ticket by emailing us at support@hspcanada.net. If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out.

© hspcanada.net - PHSA - All rights reserved.    Version 4.6.10